Looking for the best option to send out email newsletter software?
iContact has the great inbox deliverability, an extremely easy to use interface, great prices that start at $9.95 per month, lots of templates, and also include surveying, autoresponder, and blogging capability from the same application at no additional charge.
Easy to use email marketing, surveying, autoresponder, and blogging tool that allows small businesses, non-profits, and associations to easily communicate online with their customers, prospects, and members.
For $9.95 a month with iContact you can start your email marketing. They also have Enterprise Product for larger organizations.
Overview of iContact:
The company currently has over 15,000 customers and 100,000 users. The product is used primarily by small businesses but also has a number of Fortune 500 companies like Bank of America, Ford, Nissan, Super 8 Motel, and International Paper, and political campaigns like Barack Obama '08. The company is based in Durham, NC and was founded by Ryan Allis and Aaron Houghton in 2003.
iContact is working to change the way businesses and non-profit organizations communicate online by making it really easy to manage all online communications from a single web application.
If you are looking for any easy and inexpensive way to put your emarketing on autopilot and get great deliverability, check out iContact.